Physical Education 10 - 20 (3 to 5 credits). This course encourages the development of body management, coordination, and control through a variety of activities. A variety is essential in order to get the most out of a self-directed Physical Education program. Physical Education 10 is a compulsory course to meet graduation requirements.
Career & Life Management (3 credits, Print or Online) is designed to assist students to plan for their future and to succeed on their own. Topics covered: self- management, personal goals, coping with stress, peer pressure, career planning, job interviews, consumer awareness, home and family. This course is compulsory to meet graduation requirements.
Art 10-20-30 and 11-21-31 (5 credits each, Print or Online) - Students examine various approaches to art and design. Students are encouraged to be creative and develop techniques using a variety of media. Prerequisites: Need to be completed in order.
Aboriginal Studies 10-20-30 (5 credits, Online) - Students explore the worldviews, symbolism, culture, and political organizations of Aboriginal people in Canada, both past and present. Aboriginal Studies 10 requires parent notification under the Alberta Human Rights Act. Prerequisites: Need to be completed in order.
Reading 15 & 25 (5 credits, Print) - Hone your reading skills through an exploration of reading habits, writing processes, oral communication, and thinking skills.
Forensic Studies 25 (3 credits, Print or Online) or Forensic Science Studies 35 (5 credits, Online or Print)- Uses scientific concepts and techniques from various scientific fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, anthropology, entomology, toxicology, and psychology to analyze and interpret evidence gathered during crime scene investigations. Prerequisites: FS 25 needs Science 10 or 14, FS 35 (5 credits) no prerequisites.
General Psychology 20 (3 credits, Print) provides a general background in psychology, including its history and the principles of learning and thinking. Topics include stress and aggression, influence of small groups, status of roles, neurosis and psychosis.
Personal Psychology 20 (3 credits, Print) introduces students to the science of the brain and the various branches of psychology, personality development and perception.
General Sociology 20 (3 credits, Print) covers group behavior, the meaning of cultural norms and deviations from them , family groups and social classes; and social problems such as increasing crime rates and illegal drug use.
Experimental Psychology 30 (3 credits, Online) – An overview of scientific experimentation in the field of psychology: scientific method, data display and interpretation, research ethics and methods, and the design and completion of a psychological research experiment.
Abnormal Psychology 35 (3 credits, Print or online) An overview of abnormal behaviour and mental conditions that afflict individuals. Learn about views of abnormality, causal factors, and types of disorders, as well as assessment, prevention, and treatment. Prerequisites: General Psychology 20 orPersonal Psychology 20.
World Geography 30 (3 credits, Print) introduces the concepts of physical (landforms, weather and climate, and soils and vegetation) and cultural geography (land use, settlement, industry, resources, and environmental effects).
Special Projects 10-20-30 (5 credits each) are designed to recognize work that is not part of the regular curriculum or programs being offered at our school. Topics are optional and are of interest to the students varying from photography, construction projects, mechanical projects, etc.
Workplace Readiness 10-4 (5 credits, Print) Students learn employability competencies: managing transitions, personal management, and working with others. Students also gain occupational competencies: self-awareness, career awareness, job management, workplace safety, and work-based learning (only for Certificate of Achievement students).
Knowledge & Employability Courses (5 credits each) - English, Math, Science & Social Studies 10-4, 20-4 & 30-4