RAP & Work Experience

Work Experience 15-25-35 (5 – 10 credits each) Students are given the opportunity to work and gain experience through observation and participation. Employment is a component of the school program.

Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP):  Opportunities to collect skills, knowledge, and credits in one of fifty different trades. Students must be attending high school and meet the grade entrance requirement to the selected trade or pass the trade entrance examination. For detailed information on enrolling in the RAP program, please talk to the staff or visit Trade Secrets. (Must complete at least 5 prior credits in Work Experience).

Green Certificate Program: Sixteen Grade 12 Credits can be earned in Cow-Calf Beef Production, Dairy Production, Feedlot Beef Production, Field Crop Production, Irrigated Field Crop Production, Sheep Production, Swine Production, Bee Keeper Production or Equine Technician.